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Sandra always tried to teach Daniel the best ways to value and feel life.

Since July 12, 1985, the date on which Daniel was born, is not remembered by himself. All those better ways of valuing and feeling he began to understand much later, later refer to the times of real and human awareness of the environment that surrounded him.

Daniel never thought about being a photographer, but he always thought of how to communicate, express and show what he felt and valued so much in life. So he took the brief decision to study Engineering, a profession that today still practices with some boredom. Sometimes he lets himself be carried away completely by photography and only feels in her great satisfaction of being able to express everything that Sandra taught him.

Currently, he works as an engineer and dreams of being a photographer.

                                                                                   -Daniel Loaiza son of Sandra-

+58 4148252895

Caracas, Venezuela

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